Cooling for All
Koolboks provides a reliable and alternative long-term storage technique due to our superior insulation, ice battery technology, and solar-power.
It is installed with a PAYGO (pay-as-you-go) device that is personalized to each customer.
It can function as a refrigerator or a freezer depending on the user's preference.
Koolboks offers 24-hour refrigeration thanks to the free energy of the sun. Koolboks stores energy in ice, guaranteeing 4-7 days of cooling without sunlight.
4 Kool Features

The Koolhome is a solar-powered refrigeration solution that generates continuous cooling in the absence of power and sunlight. Customers pay in small installments through a Pay-As-You-Go technology which enables mobile money payments and GSM-based machine-to-machine connectivity to remotely control and monitor the refrigerator’s usage, billing and performance.